Spring Forward

Blink and you miss it but allegedly spring is now upon us.    This is the time I usually start to get a bit busier in the clinic. The days are longer. The weather is (usually) a bit brighter, warmer and drier. And people feel more inclined to get up, go out and exercise!  …

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Love Your Feet

How much do you love your feet?  I hear so many people say they hate feet, even their own feet! But your feet are so vital to you day to day life, mobility and overall happiness and wellbeing.  So how much do you do to care for your feet? Do you make sure your shoes…

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My marathon (walk) experience

In January 2023 I decided to have a bit of a mid life crisis and put on my list for this year to complete a marathon distance walk.    Doesn’t sound too bad I hear you say. Well the one we signed up for was in 4 weeks time!   Now I consider myself a…

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