My Blog

Catherine Fletcher-Liddell typing at CF Foot Clinic Basingstoke

My Blog

Catherine Fletcher-Liddell typing at CF Foot Clinic Basingstoke

Spring Forward

Blink and you miss it but allegedly spring is now upon us.    This is the time I usually start to get a bit busier in the clinic. The days are longer. The weather is (usually) a bit brighter, warmer and drier. And people feel more inclined to get up,…

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New Year, New You…..?

  New year, new you?   I always say I’m not one that puts too much stock in the new year and associated self improvements that tend to come with it, however every year I find myself making resolutions or at least tentative plans that I will look after myself…

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Love Your Feet

How much do you love your feet?  I hear so many people say they hate feet, even their own feet! But your feet are so vital to you day to day life, mobility and overall happiness and wellbeing.  So how much do you do to care for your feet? Do…

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CF Foot Clinic

Unit F, Loddon Business Centre,
Roentgen Road, Daneshill East,
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8NG